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The CrossHelmet is a next generation motorcycle helmet with sound control & 360° visibility that will transform your riding experience.
The CrossHelmet has a rearview camera that dramatically expands a rider’s field of vision. The view comes up on a special transparent HUD on the helmet’s visor. The HUD also displays GPS information and even what the weather will be like for your ride.
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【日本語サイトはこちら】【Cliquez ici pour le site français】
UPDATE!! 【EU Backers: 0% VAT!】
UPDATE!! 【Added Photochromic visor option!!】
UPDATE!! 【Worldwide Shipping announced!】
UPDATE!! 【我們正式開始提供香港,台灣,及新加坡的送貨。】

Motorcycles have evolved faster than helmets have. The CrossHelmet brings state of the art technology to a safety staple that has remained stagnant for years. Our product combines integrated head-up display with 360° range of vision, sound management, and Bluetooth features to riders. It is the smartest motorcycle helmet ever.